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Gift of Sight

When I was little I just loved glasses. Kids in my classes had them and I didn’t need them until about 5th grade, even then it was just for reading (so that is almost all the time). I tried on so many frames, my mother helped me pick out my new glasses and I remember had a new case and cleaning supplies with me as I went to school that 1st day with my new glasses. Little did I know the glasses I liked so much would hurt me when I forgot to take them off. One day in PE class I had a dodge-ball hit me in the face, man that hurt!
I was reminded of that pain about a 2 years ago when an SUV stopped in the highway in front of me in the winter. I saw it coming and there was little I could do to stop the impact and than my worst fear came true, the air bag went off. I was always told because I’m short that air bags are extra dangerous for me. I sit much closer to reach the petals and the propulsion of the bag to my face was amazing. I don’t think I had a concussion but I was certainly dizzy and realized I couldn’t see well. MY GLASSES… I couldn’t open my door and I couldn’t see. When I found the glasses in the back seat of the car and they had a bit of damage. This is rough for a girl on her own. I bought them with my own money (and insurance helped buy them a bit but really… not enough) and they are not going to last much longer after this. I decided there had to be a good fast and cheap way for me to get new glasses and my new obsession was born that November afternoon while pouring over insurance paperwork. (yes I know the car is a much larger deal than my glasses and was the 1st thought but this post is about glasses not cars.)

I found Coastal.com on facebook. I found out that if you like their page some time’s they give away free frames AND lenses. Yes they are free other than shipping. I however paid more to get thin lenses and scratch protection type package and when I checked out my total was under $50 with shipping.
I was not sure if they would look good really but I thought “well worst case I have a new pair for back up”.
They came. I loved them. And I stayed with Coastal… I now have more than ENOUGH glasses. In fact I am cut off from getting new glasses until 2013. (It’s in writing people and you can shun me if I get a new pair before them, but be prepared to hear my reason why I “needed” them.)
My newest pair is by far my favorite of the bunch. Now I have some new flair and I MATCH EVERY OUTFIT for the same price I could get 1 ($140 ish) I now have 3.

If you need glasses I would HIGHLY suggest you:
Check out the website
Like them on facebook
Watch for a free glasses giveaway (they have one going on now to nov 11th!)
I also want you to know Coastal did not ask me to write this up. I’m writing this JUST BECAUSE it is a great deal and I’m enjoying my glasses and wanted to pass on this to you.
Happy Sight people!

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