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Archive for the category “Couponing”

Retail Me Not

I’m here with another couponing tip.  Check out the site RetailMeNot before ordering or buying things. They have lots of Stores, restaurants, and site coupons. I sometimes come here to check for additional Shutterfly Coupons before checking out. Its really easy to use with a large search bar at the top.  Not all the codes work all the time but its not a bad place to see if you could save a few extra penny’s.

Its a great resource to get additional discounts on things you are already getting.

Midweek Giggle: Home



Love this little nook… however also check out this story below, not so funny but an interesting use of technology.


Amazing story: five-year-old boy accidentally falls asleep on a stationary train in India waiting for his brother, wakes up 1500 kilometers away with no idea where he is or what the name of his home town was. Over 25 years later, finds his way back home via Google Earth.  Find the full story here…


Deal of the day: Target

So Target is utilizing smart phones and couponing to the max! They have online coupons, text coupons, and its own ap called Cartwheel.

Last night I did a target run and got a few things: 1 small Butternut squash, 5 Bananas, and a blazer.

I texted FRESH to 827-438 and used the $1 off fresh fruits and $1 off fresh vegetables so I paid about .70 cents for the produce.

Now the blazer I fell in love with online last week and it was $35 and I almost ran out and got it in that moment.


This week it was on sale fore $30 but I also had a cartwheel item that was 20% off making it about $24. AMAZING $11 off!


Lots of deals out there!

Spring/Summer Break

I have loved the fact that so many people have noticed I stopped blogging. It really means a lot to see how many of you truly follow the “happenings” of my life and I’m not just doing it for me. 🙂
However this break has been really good for me. I will still be posting ths summer but at my own pace and when I want to for a bit. It’s really freed up some time however I’ve executed some neat deals and bargains and forgot to document them. 😦

Here is one from today. I ordered son large prints from shutterfly when they had a good promotion last year. I was ordering a book, and I needed a $5 filler item to get free shipping ( shipping is about $10, spend $5=saving $10). However I have done nothing with the print until today. One of my fav. Stores had a promotion so I went in to see what was new. I got these stellar photo frames in the clearance area. Originally $25 on clearance for $13 and I had a 25% off coupon. So no I have some art from an amazing trip for less then $15.
And when people ask, I get to say “I took that photo, it was taken on the roman road we walked on to get to Petra”. Perhaps I sound pretentious but I love to take photos, travel, and deals… This was all those things in one!

I think I’ll turn the hallway into a trip gallery… Since currently it’s scattered all over the house. 🙂

Midweek giggle: Dragged


Easter Eggs

Don’t forget to buy your easter eggs NOW! Giving them a week + in the fridge will help them separate from the edge of the shell so you do not have those pesky hardboiled eggs you pick and pick at.

Now on to how to make the FANCIEST eggs you have ever seen.

You will need:
– 100% Silk ties, cut up
– rubber bands or twist ties
– white eggs, still raw
– 3 tbsp white vinegar
– an old, white sheet, pillow case, or table cloth
– a non-aluminum pot (glass/enamel/steel)
– paper towels
– tongs or spoon
IMG_1895I learned some colors will turn out better then others… But cut your 100% silk ties up
IMG_1898Wrap your egg tightly in the silk tie trying to avoid creases and gaps, gathering at the bottom will help hide and flaw’s of the gathering.
Secure tightly with rubber band or twist tie. (I just used some wire that was about)
Then wrap in the pillow case or sheet cloth securing the same way.
Place Eggs in the pot and cover with water. Heat on the stove and bring it to a boil. Once water start to boil, turn the heat down, add 3 tablespoons of white vinegar and let simmer for 30-40 minutes.
Once the time is up you can remove with with a spoon or tongs and place them back into the carton for cooling.
NOW THE FUN PART, opening the eggs! Its such a fun reveal/ kind of disappointing for my green eggs.
Hopefully I can make some more fun ones this week, I just picked up some new ties to try out.

Trash to Treasure

Last summer my neighbor was cleaning out the garage and house. I couldn’t help but look at some of the bigger items near the dumpster, in particular the snowblower and a dresser. Last summer painted the dresser and added new hardware in it looks marvelous. The snowblower was its own mystery, It didn’t work and it never worked for the owner and he no longer wanted to try and fix it. He had also inherited it from another person. As it turns out all it needed was a new spark plug… Fixers keepers! Hopefully the snow on March 5 will be the last snow and we can finally move on to spring…


Thrift shopping: baby addition

This week I traveled back to a thrift store I haven’t been to in a few years. It’s this store that the items are weighed by the pound. I stopped off because so many of my friends are pregnant or have toddlers so baby clothing here is really cheap.
This is all the items I got for $6.50



Silly archivers sent me a coupon card about a month ago. It was for 10 sheets of plain archiver’s paper and $10 off a $10 purchase. Little did they know I had the perfect project in mind with the upcoming baby shower for my sister-in-law, a banner. I left archiver’s with about 20 sheets of paper and a pack of bee stickers and paid about $4 for it all.
When I got home I took the 12 x 12 sheets of paper and lay them out. I marked the top of each one at the 6 inch point and the bottom at 3 inches in from both the right and from the left. Using a paper cutter I cut at a diagonal from the corner meeting the 3 inch point to the six-inch, the six-inch to the 3 inch point and back to the corner. Each 12 x 12 sheet will yield three pointed banner pieces.

I borrowed roommates stencil for the letters and some ribbon I purchased on clearance previously.
Not a bad little addition to the party for $4 and 2 hours of my time. More shower crafts to come… 😉


Packing for a Winter Trip

I will be taking a delightful trip coming up, but it is not easy packing for a winter trip. You need LOTS of warm clothing. The whole bottom row of my suitcase is going to be dress clothing for dinners, churches, opera, and other events.

So I picked out a lot of sweaters I can use with each outfit.


Silver dress -Red Sweater

Silver dress – Black sweater

Silver dress – Green sweater

Black and Gray Dress- Red Sweater

Black and Gray Dress- Black sweater

Green Skirt, black tank- Red Sweater

Green Skirt, black tank- Black Sweater

Green Skirt, white tank- Red Sweater

Denim Skirt, white tank- Red sweater

Denim Skirt, white tank- Green Sweater

Denim Skirt, white tank- Black sweater

Denim Skirt, Black tank- Red sweater

Denim Skirt, Black tank- Green sweater

Denim Skirt, Black tank- Black sweater

Then use different leggings, scarfs and other accents to refresh the look.

I have rolled them up and they fill the bottom of my 1st row of packing and I have 14 dress clothing options!!


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